The Bandwagon Repair Shop
Many of our instrument repairs are done onsite at schools. Instruments that require more
extensive work or are owned by musicians no longer in school may be brought to our main
repair shop by appointment. Whether repairs are done onsite or in our shop, we are
committed to providing high quality, affordable repair so you can get back to playing
your instrument. Most of our repairs are on brass and woodwind instruments. We do
repair some string instruments as well. We repair school-owned instruments,
privately-owned instruments, and Veritas rental instruments. We are happy to evaluate
your instrument and provide a free repair estimate, if repair is needed.
Please call The Bandwagon Repair Shop at (817) 744-7919 to schedule an
appointment or if you have questions regarding an instrument repair.

The Bandwagon Repair Shop makes carbon fiber trombone slides by hand, onsite, customized for your trombone! Carbon fiber slides allow for quicker response. For more details, contact the Repair Shop at 817-744-7914.

Best of 2022 Fort Worth!
The Bandwagon Repair Shop was voted Best Musical Instrument Repair Shop in Fort Worth for 2022! We're proud of our Repair Shop staff and the great work they do to keep musicians of all ages playing.